
Get a Glamurous Smile

3 Things A Professional Dental Cleaning Can Do For You

During a regular exam, your dentist will inspect the inside of your mouth and gums while checking your teeth for signs of distress. Whether issues are found or not, your dentist will want to conduct a professional cleaning of your teeth. Of course, these cleanings are capable of removing food residue that decreases the appearance of your smile, but they offer other benefits, as well. Here are a few things you can expect from professional teeth cleaning.

1. Prevent Cavities

An estimated 92 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have had a dental cavity at one point. This common dental issue can be fixed by filling the damaged tooth with dental-grade cement, but prevention is your best weapon against cavities.

Without proper brushing, food and residue will build upon the teeth, hardening and turning into plaque and tartar. This severe residue erodes the tooth enamel, eating through the teeth and causing a cavity. Cavities can also become infected, so immediate dental care is necessary to avoid further pain and discomfort.

A professional cleaning can remove hardened plaque, reducing the risk of cavities and future dental complications.

2. Prevent Tooth Loss

It is important to remember that cavities can become infected, eating through an entire tooth. Again, without filling the cavity and treating an underlying infection, you may lose one or more teeth.

In addition, plaque and infections can spread over the teeth, through your entire smile, eventually infecting your gum tissue. This leads to severe inflammation of the gum tissue, which is known as periodontal disease. Gum disease does occur in stages, but you may experience bleeding, pain, and the loss of multiple teeth as the disease progresses. Professional cleanings will protect your teeth and gums from plaque buildup and inflammation that leads to tooth loss.

3. Prevent Health Problems

Recent studies have shown chronic inflammation that occurs from gum disease increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Thankfully, you can reduce your risk of these dangerous health problems by undergoing a professional dental cleaning or scaling of the teeth.

During a cleaning, your dentist removes hardened plaque and any bacteria that may be causing inflammation of your gums. This not only improves your oral health but can also improve your physical health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues and potential stroke. Dental cleanings improve the look of your smile, but they offer many other benefits. This guide and your dentist's help will show you the true benefits of professional cleanings. For more information, contact your local family dental care office today.

About Me

Get a Glamurous Smile

When I go to college next semester, I’ll be applying for my school’s pre-dentistry program. From there, I plan to go to dental school and become a cosmetic dentist. I can’t wait to learn how to help my patients uncover their most dazzling smiles. You’d be surprised how much cosmetic dentistry can do for you. I started this blog to talk about the techniques, advancements in cosmetic dentistry, new dental technology, and other news you can use concerning the field. If you’ve ever considered seeing a cosmetic dentist to improve your smile, this blog is for you. You deserve a glamorous smile too!

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