
Get a Glamurous Smile

What To Expect When A Tooth Cracks

Crack! Nobody wants to hear their tooth make that noise, but it can happen nonetheless. Hard foods and biting things that you shouldn't, like hard-to-open packaging, are often responsible for this kind of tooth injury. If you've cracked a tooth and aren't sure what to expect from your dental treatment, then read this simple guide to find the answers you're after. Minor Crack When your tooth has a minor crack, it's typically a relatively easy fix. Read More 

3 Cosmetic Dental Procedures To Know About

If you are part of the one-third of Americans who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile, there are a few procedures that can help. Cosmetic dentistry offers the opportunity to get the smile of your dreams. There are various procedures available that can change the appearance of your teeth and gums, leading to an improved overall appearance. Here are three procedures that you should consider looking into if you are unhappy with your smile. Read More 

Cosmetic Dental Procedures For More Attractive Teeth

Having straight, white teeth can help boost your confidence. However, many people have naturally imperfect teeth. Other people have developed dental imperfections over time, due to their dietary choices, oral trauma, or decay. Still, just as there are dental applications available to improve the health of the teeth, there are also dental applications designed to improve their appearance. Here are a few cosmetic dental procedures that make the teeth look more attractive. Read More 

Six Things You Don’t Want To Do When You Eat With Dentures

One of the big steps in adjusting to life with dentures is learning to eat with dentures in place. You need to avoid some mistakes when you eat with a new set of dentures to make the transition to denture use as smooth as possible. The following are six things you don't want to do when you eat with dentures. Trying to eat hard foods right away Caution is especially important with eating in the early days when you're first adjusting to a new set of dentures. Read More 

When Should You Replace Old Dental Fillings?

If you have fillings in your mouth from when you were a child, you might wonder when, or if, you should ever replace them. Replacing old fillings is not always necessary, but there are times when you should do this. Here are some of the reasons that should cause you to consider replacing the old fillings you have in your mouth. When one comes loose or falls out Whether a filling is old or new, it should be replaced if it comes loose or falls out. Read More 

About Me

Get a Glamurous Smile

When I go to college next semester, I’ll be applying for my school’s pre-dentistry program. From there, I plan to go to dental school and become a cosmetic dentist. I can’t wait to learn how to help my patients uncover their most dazzling smiles. You’d be surprised how much cosmetic dentistry can do for you. I started this blog to talk about the techniques, advancements in cosmetic dentistry, new dental technology, and other news you can use concerning the field. If you’ve ever considered seeing a cosmetic dentist to improve your smile, this blog is for you. You deserve a glamorous smile too!

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